With Faith and Freedom, using Acrylic paint, china marker, oil pastel and acrylic ink, I apply layer upon layer to create texture and depth. The canvas is still wide open as I continue include many irregular shapes and colors. Bold texture and color tend to define my work. I don’t usually have a chosen pallet. I just lean toward what i am feeling at the moment. Maybe the color of a beet or pepper or frog in my garden that looks like a small rock or a particular color study or something random I saw recently and it infused my brain. When it is a commission, the challenge is to have your client fall in love with the creation that they guided you to. Very special and so fun!




I am drawn to color. I am constantly amazed at the color around me! In nature, the winter landscape, how subtle and distinct. In the market, the eggplant skin, the beet, the color of ripe jalapeños or the hot red of the Cayennes, the color of fresh fish. Outside, a thistle, the greens, blues and yellows of the Gulf /Alabama spring.The red clay where we have built our home.The Colorado sky. Tropical Hawaii with the deepest greens ever. The dry desert south west with its amazing surges of color out of barren spots. The many colors of sand. I enjoy painting complex layers to provide depth. I love to challenge a scene or object with more and different colors. When working abstractly, I explore many combinations, often starting with what I have open on my palette and working from there until the painting says "Im done".


